Dr. Noor Ali
Dr. Ali has published in several academic journals and popular media outlets on the topics of social justice, marginalization, leadership, and curriculum. She has a book titled Critical Storytelling- Narratives of Muslim American Youth forthcoming this fall. Her research interests include Critical Race Theory and she has coined a CRT subset, MusCrit. Dr. Ali has extensive work with citizen science, youth civic engagement, social justice, and equity, and inter-faith work.
Dr. Ali is a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce for the Town of Shrewsbury and has served as a board member on the Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services, an organization that supports mental health. Dr. Ali has also worked extensively with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and now serves on the Commission of Independent Schools.
Dr. Ali serves as faculty in the Graduate School of Education, College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University.