
Academic Curriculum at Al-Hamra Academy
Our Unique Approach
The Curriculum at Al-Hamra Academy is unique because it incorporates Standards depicted by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and the expert advice of industry veterans. The integration of Islamic teachings are incorporated in daily lessons and long term projects.
Curriculum development, implementation, and monitoring are a constant work in progress. We use a variety of materials to create our Curriculum at Al-Hamra Academy. Curriculum development and review is an ongoing process in which the staff works collaboratively to reflect on current practice, incorporate updates in District Standards, and implement effective instructional practices. As a result, Al-Hamra Academy promotes Curriculum as living documents, and we create and revise the following:
• Curriculum benchmarks for each subject and grade level
• Instructional Calendars (yearly pacing guides)
• Curriculum maps
• Teacher created unit plans and lesson plans
Our overall goals for Students as we design and implement Curriculum are as follows:
• Develop a love of learning
• Become critical thinkers and problem solvers
• Be creative, innovative and resilient
• Demonstrate empathy and respect towards others
• Engage in self-reflection and inquiry
Developing and implementing Curriculum requires careful planning and preparation. Throughout the Curriculum cycle, we update Curriculum in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), assessment data, and Teacher recommendations. The Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (which include the national Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards) outline the concepts, skills, and knowledge that each Student is expected to master at each grade level for English Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Sciences.
The Curricula for Qur'an Arabic and Islamic Studies are devised carefully by the experienced and dedicated staff at Al-Hamra Academy. Foreign language Standards are slightly modified from those presented by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) to facilitate the development of reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary skills in Arabic. Religion and Qur’an Standards have been developed under the advisory of industry veterans and experts.
Curriculum Highlights
Computer Science
Alhamdulillah, we have a robust computer science curriculum at Al-Hamra Academy, meeting and exceeding state standards including computer coding/programming languages, graphic arts, word-processing (for writing academic papers including MLA standards), desktop navigation, internet safety/privacy and more (including basic animation skills). Grade-Level topics are explored throughout the year, covering essentials in desktop and file navigation, contemporary user software, internet safety/security/privacy and, with Middle Schoolers, Digital Citizenship. Lively, meaningful understanding of today's emerging data culture is contextualized with historical framework to lay the foundation for skilled technical competency, user safety and fluency in an increasingly digital-dependent academic and social world. 21st Century Learning and STEAM topics are emphasized and explored in-depth throughout the year, including progressive advancement through computer block coding, introduction to Python & JAVA script, (Science/Technology-STEAM) computer model simulations and 3D AutoCad designs. Math-dependent and Art-STEAM topics are explored in Al-Hamra's Technology Lab with creative and technical design methods. MS Excel is also explored covering standard topics: data base design, data compilation, sorting and calculation, creating graph/pie charts, and macros.
Social Studies
Social Studies curriculum employ real-world application, project and inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on current affairs. Students navigate through World Civilizations, Geography, Economics, Government and World History. Students are encouraged to become critical thinkers and active participants in civic society. The social studies curriculum also highlights the rights and responsibilities of living in a family and connecting with others in the community, country, and around the world. In addition, Students learn to appreciate the various cultures, customs, and people from long ago and far away places.
We expand on the Massachusetts State Standards for Visual Arts including color theory, paint, sculpture, calligraphy and other fine art mediums. Curriculum will also explores interdisciplinary work with other subjects including technology and graphic art in addition to Art History from both Islamic and global perspectives.
The Singapore Math curriculum, Math in Focus, supports the goals of the Massachusetts and Common Core State Standards. This research-based curriculum balances conceptual understanding, visual learning, and real-world problem solving. Furthermore, Singapore Math facilitates the learning of concepts using a concrete-pictorial-abstract learning progression in the primary grades. Grade 5 Math spends much of the year working with partial numbers using fraction and decimal notation. Grade 7 Math is spent building confidence with solving various equations and working with formulas in order to prepare them for Algebra 1 in 8th Grade. This provides independent math practice for students to work on concepts and skills based on their strengths and weaknesses identified during MAP testing.
Science & STEM
The science curriculum supports STEM education and inquiry by promoting questioning and investigation to generate useful and applicable knowledge as outlined in the Massachusetts State Standards. Teachers facilitate project-based learning by inspiring students to create tangible products and they promote problem-based learning thereby resulting in the acquisition of new knowledge. STEM learning enhances our students’ skills in Learning & Innovation, Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Information, Media, and Technology. These areas prepare them for a successful future.
Data-Driven Decision Making
We use the data collected from formative and summative assessments to guide instructional practices. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and the Revised Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) are norm-referenced assessments that are administered to our Students to guide goal setting, resources, and differentiated instructional practice. The data collected from the formative and summative assessments keep us informed of the needs of our Students so that we may provide them with the support they need to succeed.
Professional Development
Professional Development initiatives are determined by our school-wide goals in our School Improvement Plan. These goals and the advice from instructional leaders guide our Professional Development planning and implementation. In daily practice, Teachers apply the knowledge and skills that they are developing and refine their methods. Professional Learning Communities provide an avenue for our Teachers to share successes and discuss innovative solutions.
Our current Professional Development focus is as follows:
• STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics)
• Arabic: foreign language standards, grade level benchmarks, and pedagogy.