Today Our Students. Tomorrow Our Leaders
Al-Hamra offers a balance of rigorous academic program and spiritual Islamic knowledge. Our Vision and Mission strengthens our diverse population of students with a positive and empowered understanding of American Muslim identity.
Al-Hamra students thrive within their small class sizes, guided by experienced teachers and our unique curriculum.
Islamic teachings are incorporated in daily lessons and long term projects. Our integration of STEAM brings classes to life. Al-Hamra’s Curriculum and high expectations foster 21st Century Learning while providing our graduates with the tools for academic excellence and strive for success.
Our fully equipped Pre-School and Pre-K provide an excellent foundation and transition into Kindergarten for younger children, age-appropriate curriculum to develop socialization, self-help skills, motor skills, creativity, language including English & Arabic, and early Islamic manners.
Elementary instruction begins in Kindergarten, the stepping stone into a child’s academic journey. The Kindergarten through Grade 5 program facilitates creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration.
Middle School, grades 6 - 8, marks the next stage in our Students' journey as growing maturity and friendships evolve and their natural evolution towards social engagement increases.
Academic Achievement
At Al-Hamra, we not only measure but guide continual improvement for our Students' achievement, insha Allah.
At the Academy, our Students grow in character education, being supported with a strong foundation and moral framework.
Student Life also encompasses the Deen and love for Allah (swt) in all of our work. In future leaders who will contribute responsibly in a global society, insha Allah, Students also aim to exemplify our Prophet (sws)'s teaching by being good to the neighbor with school-wide community outreach and Sadaqah initiatives.
Every day at the Academy begins with Bismillah! and our school motto: Stay S.H.A.R.P.!
As our Vision and Mission suggests, Al-Hamra Academy prepares our Students intellectually, morally and spiritually while inspiring future leaders who are proud of their American Muslim identity.